Our Photography Tours in Scotland

One of our driver guides is a keen amateur photographer, and spends some of his (limited) spare time on his passion. When we have had a group in the past that is interested in some landscape shots, he takes them to places off the tourist route, with some outstanding scenery. 

This has now become a popular tour, and using our local knowledge, we’ll take you to the places where the best people, landscape and street photographs are waiting to be taken. We’ll take the time to get to know you and what you’re looking for, we’ll learn the stories behind the images, the stories that bring them to life.

Our Photography tours are focus on both camera settings and composition, all in countryside, villages and locations off the beaten tracks and night photography

Explore Scotland with us and live life through a lens.

With groups from 3 to 8 people, we will find the tour that you need to develop your photography skills and give you memories that last a lifetime.

For more information, please contact us on info@santratours.com


The Santra Team

Our Photography Tours in Scotland

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